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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

2 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between trained and untrained muscles? Should untrained people do mus...

Are untrained muscles (and related tissues like ligaments and tendons) different from strong trained muscles, except for being less strong? Similarly, should “untrained” people train different in the …
Olav's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What kind of cardio training gives the least soreness?

What kind of cardio training (biking, running etc) gives least Soreness, DOMS and similar problems? (Related to results and time spent). …
Olav's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

DOMS and other Side Effects from Bicycling

Am I right that Bicycling causes less DOMS, soreness and similar negative side-effects than other forms of cardio exercise? (For similar cardio results). …
Olav's user avatar
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0 votes

Getting PAIN when you do something you havent done in a while

According to the Wikipedia DOMS article it is called "Repeated-bout effect" - or rather this is the "opposite" viewpoint - that there is less DOMS when you do something regularly. … It also states that just one session is enough to reduce DOMS significantly in the following session - and the first session can be quite light. …
Olav's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

When in the day should I train to optimize Recovery and to limit DOMS?

Assuming that the exercise does not influence the quality and timing of sleep. If I do not sleep much the day before, should I train later in the day.
Olav's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Getting PAIN when you do something you havent done in a while

It is very common to get soreness/pain/DOMS when you do something you haven't done in a while (like skiing or bench) - Even when working far from max. …
Olav's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

When to take Epsom salt baths / use Magnesium oil?

During what period of time after a training session is it optimal to take an Epsom salt bath or use magnesium oil, when you expect DOMS/muscle soreness? …
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