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training abs every day, several times a day

Everyone wants a six-pack and everyone wants to increase core strength, but should you do abs exercises every day to accomplish that goal? Some of the most frequent questions I get about abs training ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Can an intense core/abs workout gives you diarrhea?

No. Diarrhea is a symptom of what's going on inside your stomach. Your abdominal muscles are outside, and don't have any effect on your digestive system. If you have a problem with diarrhea, you ...
Alec's user avatar
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I don't feel my ab workouts

Just to get this out of the way Probably one of the most commonly uttered phrases around here, but it can't be said often enough: A flat belly is made in the kitchen, not in the gym. It doesn't matter ...
Alec's user avatar
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Should I be able to get abs within a month with my ab-training plan? Or is there a better way?

Recently, I had an idea of training to get six-pack abs. This is not a good idea. Having a six-pack is mainly just an indicator that you have extremely low body fat, possibly even to the extend of it ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
7 votes

Suggestions on Postpartum exercises

After you give birth, it is incredibly important to approach your recovery just as that—recovery. Your body has gone through trauma and needs to heal with time and therapy What happened to your core? ...
Piper's user avatar
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Abdominal role in squats

Squats train all of the supporting muscles of the torso -- including the anterior/abdominal muscles -- if you use a Valsalva maneuver. Consider performing each squat repetition using these steps: ...
Christian Conti-Vock's user avatar
6 votes

Weighted exercises for lower abs

You can't target the lower abs, as there are no distinct upper and lower ab muscles, it's all just rectus abdominis, and you can't spot reduce fat either. Expect to need to get below 10% body fat for ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
6 votes

When and how often should I train my core/abs?

The amount of (appropriate intensity) training volume necessary to maintain Ab Hypertrophy is typically going to be zero sets per week. The minimum volume required to make progress is also typically ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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Tips and tricks for abs

There's no “magic” set of exercises to get great abs. That's because great abs are a result of genetics, proper nutrition, and a long commitment to hard work. Each of of has one or more body parts ...
rrirower's user avatar
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Hourglass figure and how to prevent it

This probably isn't the answer you want, but it looks like this is an issue with angles and body fat. TLDR: It probably isn't something to worry about. A cinched in waist means you're lean with broad ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Slightly visible abs, but bloated belly after eating

“What happened to my belly?” It is full of food. “What workouts can I do?” No workout will prevent your stomach from expanding when you eat. “How can I prevent this?” You can’t, unless you just don’t ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Do crunches actually increase belly size?

GREAT question! Actually the answer is more complex then I thought. Your deep abdominal muscles are primarily stabilizers. These muscles are primarily composed of Type I, oxidative muscle fibers. ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Lower abs not hurting

Your focus isn’t to train the upper / mid / lower abs -- crunches only target the rectus abdominis. In addition, crunches places unnecessary strain on your back, which would explain the LBP. Try to ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Exercises for Abs (Chronic Neck Pain)

Here's one I haven't seen bother the neck, the Pallof Press. (Or, because I hate exercises named after names, what I call "Ab Punchouts"): It’s crucial to ...
b-reddy's user avatar
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Small equipments for abs

If you're talking about reducing belly fat, you should read up that spot reduction is a myth: you can't target fat on any part of your body. But directly answering your question the smallest piece ...
Eric's user avatar
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Abdominal role in squats

It is a bit more complicated than that. The main abdominal muscles are the rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, and the transverse abdominis. The purpose of these muscles is two-fold: on ...
BKE's user avatar
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Abs exercises for abs with no contact between back and surface

How did you injure your back and which part of your back? There are quite a few you can do that have no back contact with the floor, such as: planks (many variations), mountain climbers, L-sits, L-...
Curiosity's user avatar
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Core exercise for Planche

The planche does not require any contraction of the abdominal muscles, so that's extremely unlikely to be what's limiting you. The natural tendency of gravity in the planche is to pull your hips down, ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
4 votes

Core exercise for Planche

Absolutely incorrect about abs not being used - abs are extremely important here to maintain a hollow back. If the abs are not contracted then the lower back will arch and you will not be able to hold ...
Ben r's user avatar
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Need progressively harder isolation core & abs exercises

There's two separate issues here: definition and strength. Definition is primarily diet. Searching the web for ab/core exercises provides a wealth of options. Without equipment: Strict crunches ...
Dave Newton's user avatar
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Abs routine - How many days?

In "Physiological Basis of Fatigue", Evans and Lambert give us a definition of fatigue (that is used throughout exercise science, emphasis mine): Fatigue may be defined as physical and/or ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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How to Train Abs?

Hollow Holds, Hollow rocks, weighted hollow holds/rocks (a backpack or dumbell dangling on you feet by example). Failure is when you are unable to keep your lower back in contact with the ground. ...
user26155's user avatar
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If the main part in getting "six pack abs" is removing fat, why don't we see people during famine have "six-packs"?

Just because you are skinny doesn't mean you necessarily are toned/have good muscle definition. If you lose weight but aren't exercising (including ab exercises) then you are probably not going to see ...
user26253's user avatar
3 votes

What happens when someone does too many crunches?

If someone basically only do crunches (or other exercises with a similar contraction) for his abs (many people seem to be in this group), what would be the result? You would get good at doing lots ...
John's user avatar
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Can I get abs without losing muscle in other parts of my body?

Fortunately for you, you're wrong on almost every account. First of all, getting defined abs is certainly possible. Second, you cannot lose fat in different places on your body at different rates: ...
Sparafusile's user avatar
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What's the point in hitting abs during a workout?

For Conor McGregor, the point of that particular ab training, is to develop the ability to take a punch, which is as important as being able to deliver. Collaterally, it will probably also cause some ...
Alec's user avatar
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Wheel ab workout equipment

Ab wheels are a great tool, but unfortunately, that alone won't give you visible abs. The bottom line is that no matter how well-shaped your abs are, they won't be visible unless you burn the fat ...
Alec's user avatar
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Dedicate one whole day for abs

Your abs are no different than the rest of your musculature, especially if you compare them to something like your erector spinae: they keep you upright, erect, and for big exertions you will engage ...
Eric's user avatar
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