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9 votes

If doing aerobics after drinking, does it slow down fat sediment caused by drinking?

Alcohol tricks body to believe there is too much energy in blood, so body is enabled, or forced, to store fat. No, it does not. Alcohol contains energy, and is processed by the body similarly to fat (...
David Scarlett's user avatar
2 votes

Does drinking beer after exercise help restore muscles?

Alcohol is unlikely to have any effect either way on recovery from exercise1. Excessive alcohol consumption is known to be harmful for multiple reasons, including its calorie content leading to ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
2 votes

Decomposition of the skeleton muscle by alcohol

As far as I could find, like you said, muscle growth can be affected by alcohol as it can reduce muscle protein synthesis by up to 24% if a large amount is consumed. But, I couldn't find any evidence ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Alcohol and gym gains

Alcohol, poor sleep is against your training anyway. So one more, or less - is not much change anyway. Note that every well done training is better then sitting at home, even if you would not take 100%...
Michał Zaborowski's user avatar
2 votes

The truth about calories from alcohol

From the top answer in How Does Alcohol Really Affect Gains, the first bullet point state: Unlike proteins, carbs, and fats it cannot be stored by the body, so it takes precedence over all other ...
DeeV's user avatar
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How to reduce beer belly

Most of us think we are eating healthy. However, without tracking what you eat (and drink), it’s mostly a guess. And, while there’s no way to spot reduce your “small beer belly”, you can drop excess ...
rrirower's user avatar
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1 vote

Alcohol and gym gains

Whether or not it is benefitial for you to train an additional night depends on your goals. Training the extra night could work out fine, the alcohol and less sleep on friday night will make the ...
MJB's user avatar
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