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10 votes

Is it possible to bulk up and reduce belly fat at the same time?

First of all Kudos for learning about the misconception, and adapting your approach. You're also going to have to tweak your question from "how to reduce belly fat" to "how to reduce ...
Alec's user avatar
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8 votes

How to gain muscles and be fit with low testosterone?

You do not have "low testosterone" and even if you did, you would build muscle and overall fitness the same way that everyone else does - through training. 350 ng/dL is within a normal range ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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7 votes

Does supplimenting creatine cause belly fat to increace or stomach to bloat?

To answer the valid question here: Does Creatine cause bloating? Yes, the water retention usually seen with higher (>10g) loading doses can exceed five pounds (more than two kilograms). Lower doses ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes

What to do after joining the gym?

In short, following a competent fitness program is the single best thing that you can do. But let's explore your question more and extrapolate on why that is. First and foremost I want to point out ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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6 votes

Should I cut/bulk or do body recomp?

Firstly, to answer the question in the title, to avoid negative health outcomes, most health authorities recommend that men aim to keep their waist circumference below 40".1 So attempting to ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
4 votes

Look leaner in 45 days

Don’t expect drastic results. The bottom line is that you want to be thinner, let’s focus on that. The only way to accomplish this is by being in a caloric deficit. You should first estimate your ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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How to gain muscle and lose fat with running and weight lift?

Running can conflict with muscle gain if your heart rate remains too elevated. If you want to lose the fat while gaining lean tissue. Cardio should be performed below your first ventilatory threshold. ...
Joel Mc's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

Is spot accumulation of body fat a myth?

If that's what he said it's wrong; he's talking about subcutaneous fat (under the skin, around MUSCLES on your whole body not any specific trained muscle) versus visceral fat (which deposits around ...
Luciano's user avatar
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3 votes

split carbs, proteins, fruits for each meal or combined all in one meal

Yes the underlying theory is absolutely true (calories in vs calories out) It's so frustrating to see people all the time trying to lose weight. The approach while well intended is backwards. It'...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Running both morning and evening everyday

I am not specialist in specifying how you lose more calories: running morning or running evening. But I can say for you, to lose you belly fat you should lose some pounds totally since you can't do ...
Nizar's user avatar
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can we reduce belly fat by machines or by medical treatments

In short, you can't target fat loss, and what these types of companies are claiming is purely marketing. Sure, if you use a machine like this you will burn some calories, and if you burn more calories ...
MJB's user avatar
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Make hands and shoulders fat and reduce belly fat at a time

It's not possible to reduce fat in only certain parts of the body. When you lose weight your body takes fat from everywhere on the body. The only way to actually lose weight is to stay in a caloric ...
apex's user avatar
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Does supplimenting creatine cause belly fat to increace or stomach to bloat?

@JJosaur's answer is correct. Creatine will slightly increase the amount of water your muscles hold. It will not, and in fact, it can not, increase body fat. That is literally impossible. The amount ...
0xMert's user avatar
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Can I get abs without losing muscle in other parts of my body?

Fortunately for you, you're wrong on almost every account. First of all, getting defined abs is certainly possible. Second, you cannot lose fat in different places on your body at different rates: ...
Sparafusile's user avatar
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Thin face and body Not properly growing

You're the same height as me. I know it's a bit short, but 63 kg is a healthy weight at that height. Now, what you want is some more body weight, but with a good distribution. Unfortunately, you can'...
G_H's user avatar
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Why am I losing weight but not belly fat?

Short answer You're almost doing the right thing, but 15 days is not enough time to start drawing conclusions. Longer answer The problem here is simply that what you lose in such a small amount of ...
Alec's user avatar
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3 votes

How to gain muscle and lose fat with running and weight lift?

Running may reduce the effect of strength training of legs. In order to reduce this interference effect you should (1): keep your running sessions short (< 45 minutes) have as much time as ...
Andy's user avatar
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Is it necessary to eat in calorie deficit to lose belly fat?

The concept of losing fat in a particular area is called "spot reduction" and, unfortunately, it is not possible. In order to lose fat from a particular area (such as your belly), you need ...
Dan Roberts's user avatar
2 votes

Does supplimenting creatine cause belly fat to increace or stomach to bloat?

It can, but I can't tell for sure it's causing the problem in your case, or the other part of your diet is. The fact is, different diet plans work differently on different people. You may be allergic ...
xCodeZone's user avatar
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can we reduce belly fat by machines or by medical treatments

There actually are a few medical things you do (beyond liposuction). Look into CoolScuplting and SculpSure. Both are FDA-approved. No experience with CoolScuplting, be we have a ScuplSure machine at ...
Patrick Pitre's user avatar
2 votes

Does my breast size decrease permanently after weight loss?

A pound of fat lost from breast tissue is no different than a pound of fat anywhere else in your body. Females tend to accumulate fat around the hips, buttocks, and thighs while men have a larger ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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going to gym and workout with thin or fat body - which is better?

Just like you can't target fat loss, you can't target fat gain. However, making regions of your body bigger can be targeted doing specific exercises to add muscle. Adding muscle will also help you ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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going to gym and workout with thin or fat body - which is better?

It all depends on your goals, but since your are skinny fat I would recommend eating less and losing weight first. 1) Start off by eating less and going to the gym. If you wish to build muscle, ...
apex's user avatar
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Cycling burning fat or calories?

@Deev already covered most of this question, I'd just like to add this bit; If the question is strictly about will you burn fat or your breakfast, the answer is both. Depending on how intense your ...
MJB's user avatar
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Cycling burning fat or calories?

What you're looking for is fasted training vs. unfasted training. It is sort of a religion in the fitness world with regards to whether or not it is beneficial. The question strictly focuses on fat ...
DeeV's user avatar
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why fat will store only in belly region

Every person is different in terms of how many calories they burn each day and how fast their metabolism is. People store fat first in different body parts. For example person A could store fat ...
apex's user avatar
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Is really sugars present in fruits will increase belly fat?

Once again the most important thing is staying in a caloric deficit. There was an individual who only ate twinkies and donuts and still lost weight. Stop worrying too much about little things, just ...
apex's user avatar
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Home excercises to burn fat everyday?

The question of calorie deficit / calorie surplus is always in the "calorie intake" part of the equation, not "calorie spend" part. In other words, it is mostly about what we eat, and not about how we ...
Taraas's user avatar
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How to calculate fat percentage in daily calorie intake from goal body fat percentage?

Considerable debate surrounds what proportion of the energetic macronutrients might represent the ‘ideal’, but let us assume that you are observing a high-protein diet, providing 2.0 grams of protein ...
POD's user avatar
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Need suggestion on crucial weight loss

First, congratulations on having lost so much fat! That is not a trivial amount, nor a trivial achievement. And yes, you have every reason to believe that you can do this on your own. To answer your ...
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