Why does every calorie tracking app give a different target calorie count for the same goals?
Because they're all based off vaguely defined math formulas which were created by various scientists that used questionable methodologies in an attempt to make a generic consensus on what people need ...
Is there any truth in the fat converting to muscle belief?
doesn't it mean the body is using up the fat, while it uses the nutrients in a new healthier diet to build the muscle?
Yes, pretty much, except that you can't specifically say that the energy used to ...
Why does every calorie tracking app give a different target calorie count for the same goals?
I'm a personal trainer who has had a lot of clients use these apps, though not as much these days, so I could be a little out of date.
By far, the issue I, or my clients, ran into is all hell would ...
What macros ratio should I follow?
There's a lot of "right" macro values. If anything it's a testament to the flexibility of the human body and what it can handle nutritionally. I'm going to base this discussion around the assumption ...
What macros ratio should I follow?
Honestly a lot of this is down to the individual (e.g. You)
General recommendations tend to lean towards a protein intake of around 0.8 - 1g per lbs of body weight, so if we say you weight 178lbs, ...
Losing weight - is my plan realistic?
Losing almost 30% of your bodyweight in 6 months is an extremely fast rate of weight loss. Common rules of thumb are aiming to lose 0.5-1% of your bodyweight per week, with higher rates of weight loss ...
Am I estimating my caloric intake correctly for a healthy diet plan?
You're forgetting something VERY important here. As an example, consider this, if someone starts to workout their arms using 20lbs dumbbells (with no previous experience), they will eventually get ...
Basal Metabolic Rate calculation
I would classify you as moderately to very active, depending on how vigorously you are walking. However, I would caution you a bit on rigidly adhering to a specific number, at least once you get a ...
Discrepancy in TDEE calculations
First of all the discrepancies doesnt stem from one single factor; all of your suggestions for explanations of the discrepancie are a part of the puzzle.
With that said the major source is probably ...
Am I estimating my caloric intake correctly for a healthy diet plan?
Disclaimer: I am not a medically trained professional. Please consult with your doctor before making changes to your diet or exercise habits.
I would like to post an answer to my question because in ...
Weight loss does not seem to follow my calculations
Your assumption #2 is wrong. Typical fitness trackers have an error of between 30% and 90% when estimating calorie burn, and exercise machines don't do any better.
Is this an adequate diet/exercise plan for weight loss?
Cycling is fine for exercise (if you’re not worried about building muscle), but your diet is far from being a long term solution.
Given your statistics, you should be burning roughly 3200 calories a ...
Why does every calorie tracking app give a different target calorie count for the same goals?
Whatever its internal initial formula (even if it cheats!), calorie/kilojoule tracking apps are programmed to alter slightly as they get more data about your habits and your body's response to those ...
How do I calculate the calories and proteins intake given these parameters?
If you're trying to gain weight, I suggest you focus just on eating more. Lifting heavier weights, or the same weights for more reps, would help too. Calculating exactly how much more to eat might be ...
How to calculate fat percentage in daily calorie intake from goal body fat percentage?
Considerable debate surrounds what proportion of the energetic macronutrients might represent the ‘ideal’, but let us assume that you are observing a high-protein diet, providing 2.0 grams of protein ...
Opinions on my Workout/Diet plan
There are a lot of things to go over here and would probably be best broken down into separate, more detailed questions in the future. First of all, congrats on losing 10-15 kg! That is lot!
A few ...
How do I calculate the calories and proteins intake given these parameters?
For your current level of conditioning, there is scant need to concern yourself with the amount of protein that you are consuming, unless your diet is particularly restrictive. Most people in the ...
Will increasing your daily calorie more than the required limit, solely by protein drinks help in putting on weight
What? I need to write more than that? Hmm... ok...
Generally speaking (I say generally speaking, because there's a part of me that rebels against the idea of breaking down our complex bodily ...
Losing body fat, carbs, diet and everything
Well carbs are only the enemies if you are not burning them off. Carbs actually are what provide your cells with the energy required to workout. So for the people involved in very high intensity ...
How to calculate how much Macros, fibre and calories I need per day
Your macros should be calculated by your bodyweight, not by an arbitrary percentage of total calories. A good target for protein is going to be 0.8 grams per pound or 1.75 grams per kilogram. A good ...
Choosing the correct metabolic rate
Try using this TDEE Tracker made by a friendly reddit user.
I believe that it is better than any TDEE calculator because of two reasons.
Activity levels are not rigidly defined
You may not be ...
Choosing the correct metabolic rate
All the information you get online IS vague. Everything you find online are ways to simply estimate an average of what you can expect based on factors like your age, sex, height, etc. If you really ...
Continuous everyday workout and sudden drop in stamina, does it indicate a caloric deficiency?
It's likely that you've either had a calorie deficit as you don't count calories it's impossible to judge how much you require vs how much youre intaking.
On top of this it could just be exhaustion. ...
Increasing calories daily
20% increase could be a fairly non-extreme jump, assuming your current amount of calories is somewhere around your baseline (meaning you are not gaining any weight, but not loosing any as well).
For ...
How do I calculate the necessary calorie intake?
Any formulas you find online are simply rough estimates based on an average. If you really want to calculate how many calories you are burning and should be consuming, you need to look no further than ...
Macros seem way too high?
Use this video to understand the formulas yourself and substitute in appropriate values. I think you're overestimating your lean body mass. Get a DEXA or use the formulas as shown in the vid I linked. ...
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daily-caloric-intake × 64calories × 37
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protein × 2
fat × 2
protein-shakes × 2
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