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6 votes

Can an inflexible person do yoga?

Yes, not only can you do yoga. I would say you should do yoga. Sure, yoga has a reputation of being performed by people who are already very flexible, but yoga and other types of stretching is how you ...
Alec's user avatar
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5 votes

Flexibility training - short & intense vs. long & light

First, a correction of a misconception. You don't stretch ligaments. Ligaments connect bone to bone, and if they stretch out, they don't go back to their original shape. This makes joints loose and ...
JohnP's user avatar
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5 votes

How to correct muscle imbalance in front half vs back half of my body

"For example I always feel my quads after squatting and hardly ever feel my hamstrings." This is because squatting is a quad dominant exercise, this is normal. Yes squats use your whole leg but you ...
Randomusersquat1232342345's user avatar
4 votes

I can't figure out which muscle is weakest/tight

I'd highly recommend seeing a local Physical Therapist. A full evaluation is required to properly diagnosis and plan a corrective exercise regimen based on your unique situation. I've included ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Will weight lifting affect speed and flexibility?

Will I gain weight by doing weightlifting? Yes and no. Doing weight lifting will set the stimulus your body needs to grow (gain muscle mass), but lifting alone will be of no use. Imagine that your ...
Paul K's user avatar
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Benefits of stretching if you don't care about flexibility

Research is mixed regarding the importance stretching after exercise. Adaptive shortening of muscles however will cause a problem. Re-Thinking Movement Your body moves as a unit in patterns not as ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Is there an inverse relationship between range of motion and stability?

Excessive joint mobility and muscle flexibility can cause instability and lack of strength at end ranges of motion. Most people need to improve their range of motion because they are so immobile. But ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
4 votes

A2G Squats: Is Ankle Flexibility the Right Concern?

"Ass-to-grass" (ATG) squats are unnecessary except perhaps for Olympic weightlifters. Moreover, for the vast majority of lifters, ATG squats decrease stability and force-production by slackening the ...
Christian Conti-Vock's user avatar
4 votes

Flexibility loss timeframe

As you hit on, the definition of flexibility is paramount. Rather than debate a proper definition, I'll give some takeaways I use with my clients.         &...
b-reddy's user avatar
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4 votes

If high volume of work at high frequency stimulates muscle growth, why does computer work cause RSI?

The "repetitive" part. Repetitive motions can be interpreted by the body as an injury, which in turn can lead to inflammation, which can increase muscle tension, which can decrease ...
Dave Newton's user avatar
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3 votes

Stretches/exercises to sit cross legged

I'm on the heavier side myself, and so sitting crossed legged was a challenge, especially when I wanted to go to the temple or have a festive meal where the plate would be on the floor, can't be ...
Shibani Sharma's user avatar
3 votes

Can I increase flexibility by strengthening muscles?

Yes You can! I would recommend checking out precision movement, they introduce mobility: Range of motion produced by muscles when going to end range. This in addition to your concept of flexibility. ...
Peter Jonsson's user avatar
3 votes

What are the common causes for asymmetrical hips during the figure-four stretch?

The issue seems to be that you've got varied flexibility between the two sides of your hips. I'm not certain if one is more flexible than the other or if one is more inflexible than the other but it ...
C. Lange's user avatar
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3 votes

Can certain exercises help with flexbility?

Yes, full range of motion resistance training can increase flexibility. Morton, S. K., Whitehead, J. R., Brinkert, R. H., & Caine, D. J. (2011). Resistance Training vs. Static Stretching: Effects ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

Increase Active Flexibility

Active flexibility is the combination of static flexibility in the muscle being stretched, and isometric strength at short muscle lengths in the antagonist of that muscle. So if you have the required ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

Does Active Flexibility Reduce Speed and Quickness?

If I am interpreting your question correctly, it boils down to something like "If someone has a muscle that can be stretched further, would it have less explosive potential?" TLDR: ...
Eric Warburton's user avatar
3 votes

Shoulder Mobility: Standing and Lying Dislocation Exercise Difference

If you're just doing them as a stretching/mobility exercise, then there's no difference, as the range of motion through which your shoulders move is identical in both exercises. However this video ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
2 votes

I can't perform a squat without falling

"place your foot several inches from a wall. Now, try to move your knee forward until it touches the wall. If your big toe is 4-5 inches from the wall and your knee can’t reach the wall then your ...
susana puuettmann's user avatar
2 votes

Uneven back flexibility?

Sounds like you are already really flexible - which should make this easier! I actually have the same struggle (only that I am less flexible lol) but my right side is definitely way more flexible than ...
Nino S Journey's user avatar
2 votes

How can I achieve this position?

Are you capable of activating the muscles in your lower back? Because that's what will keep your back straight in such a position. You are basically hanging on your spine in the picture, which is ...
Larry Davidson's user avatar
2 votes

Stretch to achieve a good position in an "earth touch"

The usual reason for butt wink is insufficient flexibility in external or internal rotation of the femur. You have to create a 'groove' for your hips to sit into by pushing your knees out and ...
John's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to do weight lifting and have a flexible body?

Certainly. Part of flexibility is fitness of the muscles, because the brain prevents movements which might be unsafe. By building up your muscles, you're training your brain to also recognize that you ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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Is it possible to do weight lifting and have a flexible body?

Yes, this is absolutely possible. I suggest you top off your workouts with a good full-body stretching routine. You can find a LOT of stretching routines online, they're a dime a dozen. Additionally,...
Alec's user avatar
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2 votes

How to quickly improve flexibility

Is this for Sports merit badge? I'm not sure I remember it being too strict on them making sure you made improvements. Granted that was probably 8 years ago so I'm sure it's changed a bit. Just ...
Mat's user avatar
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2 votes

Does foam rolling and "smashing and flossing" work?

Your #1 would be an "analgesic effect". Kelly's theory is effectively "myofascial release". Have you seen this oldie-but-goodie video: ? Spina debunks ...
Chris 's user avatar
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How to keep flexibility after stretching

Stretching causes both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) increases in flexibility. You get a very big, but very temporary increase in flexibility, as well as a much smaller but more permanent ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
2 votes

How to increase flexibility from the basics?

Honestly, there really is not a master flexibility course. It's whatever stretches you need to do for your particular problem. Stretch after your workout, when the muscles are warm, instead of at the ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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