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29 votes

Should an 18-year-old overweight woman take supplements?

Please not. While there might be an argument if she starts serious competitive weight lifting, I guess that the question would've been asked differently then. If she is overweight, she has to relearn ...
Raditz_35's user avatar
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12 votes

Cross fit gym safe?

The long and the short of it is that we may never know because Crossfit has no mechanism in place to track injuries in its system. The system is one of affiliates, not franchises, which means any ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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How do people who work out on their own handle safety when lifting weight bars?

The term you are looking for is using a 'spotter', and it is true that bench press can be dangerous, but deaths on it are very rare even for people that work out alone. There are several techniques ...
Eric Warburton's user avatar
11 votes

What is this calf gym machine called?

It's called "standing calf raise machine".
David Scarlett's user avatar
9 votes

How do I beat gym anxiety?

I'll be honest. When I am working out at the gym I do look around at other people doing their workouts. I mentally-applaud the new people I haven't seen before, especially if there is someone who is ...
John's user avatar
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How to reduce body fat?

You reduce body fat by being in a caloric deficit (burning more calories than you eat/drink). You build muscle by having a positive nitrogen balance (usually by having enough protein in your system). ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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9 votes

Should I lock my knees doing Leg Press?

No, the knees should not be locked out.* See caveat. The two primary reasons: Once the knees are locked all the weight is transferred directly to the joint, which can be disasterous Not locking out ...
Dave Newton's user avatar
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Starting musculation at 30 years old, is it good?

It's never too late to start a fitness program that adds muscular size to your physique. However, as you age, your levels of testosterone, the muscle promoting hormone, decline. That's not to say ...
rrirower's user avatar
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How to maximize the benefits of a long time at the gym?

With the best will in the world, having 10 days to work on yourself isn't going to make that much of an impact. Body recomposition, which is what you're after (losing fat, gaining muscle) is a much ...
Dark Hippo's user avatar
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Risk of infection at the gym?

Yes, you do. Additionally it will take more than 48 hours for those injuries to repair so it's entirely possible that you'll be pulling the bar across unhealed wounds. It doesn't take much to realize ...
Eric's user avatar
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7 votes

What is this calf gym machine called?

Also search for "gastrocnemius press" or "gastrocnemius machine." But I agree with the other comment, you can usually get 90% of the benefit of this with existing equipment, be it ...
Cameron Olson's user avatar
7 votes

Why my lifts are getting stronger every week

It means you’re new to deadlifting. It is not at all unusual to see remarkable strength gains in the first few months of regularly training a new lift. My own experience was similar to yours: when I ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Cycling vs Gym(Exercise) for weight loss

A few misconceptions here. You will never ever get that "gym body", so don't worry about it It sounds harsh, but it's true for a few different reasons. It's hard to achieve in the first place. You ...
Alec's user avatar
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What Gym exercises should i do to reduce weight instead of shaping muscles?

I think you are putting too much emphasis on the exercise portion of your goal. You say that you are "caring for your diet" by drinking lemon water in the morning. The number one way to change your ...
Milo Martinovich's user avatar
6 votes

Which side of a gym track should I walk on to be courteous to runners?

Slower traffic should be to the outside of the track. Everywhere I've been (high school tracks, college/university tracks, and community tracks) this has been the convention.
alesplin's user avatar
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What harm does it do if a bodybuilder wears no gloves when working out at a gym?

You get bad-ass calluses. That's about it. More serious answer. Reasons to wear gloves: They can help grip if chalk is not an option in the gym. It increases the texture of your palm which will ...
DeeV's user avatar
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6 votes

Am I training too much?

Why don't you adjust your training depending on the improvements/regressions that you see ? In training, it is stupid to have absolute rules based on my experience. You start with educated guess ...
FenryrMKIII's user avatar
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Can Pistol Squats replace Barbell Squats?

They're fundamentally different exercises. If by "replace" you mean: Can a person do only weighted pistol squats instead of barbell back squats and live a long and healthy life? Than the ...
Eric's user avatar
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Bouldering vs Rock Climbing

This answer is about bouldering vs rock climbing in gyms. Outdoor variations may be different. Bouldering usually is more difficult and technical than rock climbing. The difficulty scales up much ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Should I stop GYM?

There's a lot to address here, so I will try to do it step-wise. I started gym 1 year and a half ago, and results are no good, as I do not see progression in shoulders and arms for example.. ...
Alec's user avatar
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5 votes

Why do I never have muscle soreness at my back?

DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is primarily something you feel when you stretch out the eccentric portion of the exercise. (Source: ...
Alec's user avatar
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What is the name of the test I had on my first day at gym?

I'm a former ACE certified trainer. What you describe sounds very much like the YMCA Sub-maximal Bicycle Test. It's used to evaluate physical work capacity, especially for someone new to the gym. ...
rrirower's user avatar
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Are abs muscles able to grow?

No. Abs are a muscle and behave the same way every other muscle in the body does when you use a resistive load to work it consistently; they grow. Genetics can affect posture which changes how abs ...
John's user avatar
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I have 7 weeks left for a power-lifting competition. It's my first time; how do I prepare?

Learn the rules It may be surprising, but there is no universally set rules for powerlifting competitions. A powerlifting competition sponsored by a federation must follow the federation's rules, but ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Weight gaining with or without gym

TLDR: Yes, joining a gym to work out and eat more (good) food will help you gain weight, and I'll explain how to start off. First off, 4 years ago I was right where you are. I'm 184cm tall and would ...
MJB's user avatar
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Why are regular push-ups the norm?

Knuckle push ups don't ''build wrist strength'' they just teach you how to stabilize better your push up, palm push ups be it with fingers pointing forward or backward or with palms up all build ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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If I've got only two days for the gym, should they be consecutive or not for best results?

Your muscles require exercise followed by rest and recovery in order to promote muscle growth. Too long or too short of a recovery period and they won't adapt (i.e. get bigger). Going only two days a ...
C. Lange's user avatar
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4 votes

Why do I never have muscle soreness at my back?

Per your request in your comments, I'd refer you to my answer to a similar question pertaining to ab training. As I indicated in the answer from the referenced post, DOMS is not a valid indicator of ...
rrirower's user avatar
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What is the best way to arrange your sets at the gym?

You said at the gym, so I will start with gym etiquette. Don't reserve multiple stations, dumbbell, etc... So in the scenario, unless you use the same machine or dumbbells, the best way to organize ...
Yousend's user avatar
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Workout in the morning

I wake up at 5, eat a bowl of oats and a couple hard-boiled eggs, drink a creatine/citrulline-malate shake on my way to the gym, lift, and start work at 7. It isn't ideal, but your body will adapt to ...
evil_doctor's user avatar

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