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8 votes

Are sit-ups actually harmful?

As a preface, although your concerns about the validity of the field of chiropractic are entirely warranted, it appears that Dr. Stuart M. McGill is indeed qualified. He was a former professor at the ...
POD's user avatar
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7 votes

Risk of infection at the gym?

Yes, you do. Additionally it will take more than 48 hours for those injuries to repair so it's entirely possible that you'll be pulling the bar across unhealed wounds. It doesn't take much to realize ...
Eric's user avatar
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4 votes

After 2 years cannot do push or pull up - is it more than a strength issue?

What you should be doing is increasing the strength of the muscle groups you use during a pull-up or push-up. For instance, do lat pull-downs or inverted rows to work your back muscles to the point ...
MJB's user avatar
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Does proper incline bench form require pinched shoulder blades?

We usually refrain from offering diagnoses here, for obvious reasons, but you touch on something important: Bench press prep. So I'll touch on it too. I would caution against doing the exact same ...
Alec's user avatar
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Can sideways weightlifting be dangerous?

No, dumbbell side bends are not inherently dangerous or injurious, but they are usually performed with a dumbbell only in one hand (then changing hands to train the other side). If you have a dumbbell ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
4 votes

How do you relieve a cramp in an awkward part of your body?

There's (almost) always a stretch. Stretching is most effective against cramp if you can get in early before the muscle is fully cramped, but be careful getting into position. A Cossack squat as a ...
Chris H's user avatar
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How do I work out my lower abs while having a hip flexor (illiacus) injury?

There's no such thing as a "lower abs" exercise, as there aren't separate upper and lower abdominal muscles, there's only the rectus abdominis, and it does not have different origin or ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

Could not work out for 3 months due to injury.....Any suggestions?

“itis” type injuries typically result from overuse. The overuse can be caused by poor posture, bad exercise form, and, not enough rest between training the affected muscles to name a few reasons. If ...
rrirower's user avatar
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Squats preventing shoulder impingement healing?

I'm not a doctor and can't diagnose medical stuff, go see an actual doctor / physio, etc, etc, etc. Consider that a disclaimer, this is all my opinion. Have a look at your grip width. If you're ...
Dark Hippo's user avatar
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Running injuries when competing

Do not do any self-diagnosis. Consult a musculoskeletal specialist and get yourself diagnosed. Never assume anything, as similar symptoms may be because of different reasons.If given proper attention ...
xCodeZone's user avatar
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Gym-Killing injuries

Lower back and rotator cuff injuries are the biggest contenders when it comes to gym injuries. Lower Back Injury Can potentially be caused by one or more of the following: Lifting too ...
qnxtn's user avatar
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Building endurance after long term injury

As someone who trains triathlon and has suffered badly from a cervical disc herniation, I suggest you stick with swimming for quite a while. The flat truth is that swimming is unique. I can run for ...
Frank's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the difference between static stretching vs strengthening the antagonistic muscle?

The why of stretching is very much dependent on your personal physiology and the sport you are doing. With a few exceptions, you don't really need to stretch much past normal range of motion. There is ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Pain on lower outside of knee after running for 20 minutes

I agree with JohnP, hard to say. But I suggest you give running a break. Try barefoot walking lunges, they can reveal if your balance/step is good. What to do: rest, roll, stretch, strengthen, see a ...
Just_Alex's user avatar
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How can I keep running and doing HIIT training with tendonitis?

To address your question directly, you should not do any running or HIIT training until your Achilles tendinitis has healed fully. And that recovery should include a tentative and gradual return to ...
POD's user avatar
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Banded facepulls vs DB rear delt flys

As far as how it relates to your tricep tendonitis, it's hard to give any specific indication for which exercise is better or worse. What I will say is that the facepull is quite different from the ...
Alec's user avatar
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Should I work out my non-injured side?

IANAD, but it might be that your doctor isn't an expert when it comes to rehab (have you seen a physiotherapist?). You're on to something in the comments: But there is some people saying it would ...
gustafc's user avatar
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Does the body allocate a lot of resources to heal muscle strain such that you feel fatigue?

Every injury is work for your body. I recently heard a podcast with a physiotherapist and nutritionist who said that postoperative (like properly invasive procedures) you typically need about 1.5 ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
2 votes

how can I carry on doing heavy bench presses for a long time?

Well, all I can recommend in your case is to look into Bands. Here is a link to T Nation website. I hope this can help you out.
Olympian's user avatar
2 votes

Neck strain after side plank

A 2004 article from The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, Sternocleidomastoid syndrome: A case study followed the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with your symptoms. The study ...
rrirower's user avatar
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Why is the wrist hurt when push up with sharp leveraged edge?

Compare the angle of your hand to your forearm when gripping a sharp edge vs gripping a bar. I think you'll find you are bending your wrist farther backward (maybe even "bottoming out" the joint) when ...
user7361744's user avatar
2 votes

Squats: point feet forward and externally rotate hips?

Everyone's hips are slightly different. Most people turn their toes out to ensure that their knee tracks over their toes. That said, squat stances can vary massively depending on type and sport: ...
John's user avatar
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How can I avoid hurting my wrists when using the bar while playing DDR?

One of the central fundamentals of exercise is that the best way to get good at something is to do it repeatedly in a safe manner. You've already isolated three aspects that you can work on. Building ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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What to do with mild elbow pain

I've had tendonitis in both elbows for about 12 years. I had 1 tendonitis surgery which helped a lot. The right surgeon makes all the difference. Shop around if you end up needing surgery. The 2nd ...
Laura's user avatar
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2 votes

Numb Tingeling in Big Toes

Speaking as a runner, it could be as simple as your shoes being too small and/or tied too tight. Feet swell throughout the day, so either of those will make uncomfortable feel unbearable.
ocr_superman's user avatar
2 votes

Gym-Killing injuries

I'm looking at an Australian research paper on emergency room data. "The causes of injuries sustained at fitness facilities presenting to Victorian emergency departments - identifying the main ...
Chris 's user avatar
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how to keep the chest tendon injury free while training heavy bench press?

One suggestion I would make is dropping the chest flies completely. Several fitness trainers (Jeff Cavaliere of Athlene-X on Youtube for one), claim that doing flies has a very minimal effect on chest ...
Will Appleby's user avatar
2 votes

Tendon strenghtening with overspeed eccentrics

No. The study you are referring to was describing those microtrauma as the cause of tendinopathy, not as a means of strengthening tendons. Overspeed eccentric exertion is likely to cause injury, not ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
2 votes

Building endurance after long term injury

I’m not sure how intense your swimming and cycling sessions are, but if the answer is “moderate” or less, then try creating some HIIT routines around swimming and cycling. An example of something ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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