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6 votes

Why knee and hip torques in Squat are always referred to the midfoot line?

To simplify matters let us ignore the weight of the body. In this case the barbell must be placed directly over the pressure point of the groundforces on the foot. The groundforces are in fact ...
Andy's user avatar
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5 votes

What are good exercises that increase power, without having heavy weights?

You need to go to the basic of what in fact is "power" to understand on how to properly develop it. The best example would be using physics definition of mechanical power: Power = Force * ...
Kaszanas's user avatar
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4 votes

What are good exercises that increase power, without having heavy weights?

Jump squats with a dumbbell in each hand seem to be a good option. Twenty pounds is light for dumbbell swings but they'd still provide some fast-twitch stimulus for the glutes and hamstrings. Don't ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
4 votes

What are good exercises that increase power, without having heavy weights?

Get your players access to real weights, such as barbells, and have them to do the squat, deadlift, overhead press, bench, and power clean. Otherwise, after a week of training teenage boys who are ...
Frank's user avatar
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3 votes

How is the force transmission through the leg/thigh affected by the feet stance in Deadlift?

How does the stance change the force transmission and the maximum strength one can have? Force transmission isn't really a useful concept here. When lifting weights, the body is generating the force ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

Training like a bull

(Partial answer as proof/studies referenced missing) Benefits of regular heavy training Your body will take on musclemass fast if regeneration is timed right. Your body will adapt after a while, see ...
Gimli's user avatar
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3 votes

Lower back rounding

In general, muscles should take more load than connective tissues. Even big strong ligaments and tendons (like the Achilles) do not have the absorption and range of the calf muscle they're connected ...
Eric's user avatar
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3 votes

I feel heavy when I run and is lacking lower body strength need help

When starting out, we so commonly jump straight into running. This is natural, perhaps, since we all remember running around so effortlessly when we were young children. But it is so easy to forget ...
POD's user avatar
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3 votes

Issues With Lowerbody Muscle Recovery

I've had this problem and overcame it to some extent. Here are some things that helped. Post-workout stretching. I never stretched after lifting, but I found that it was helpful on leg days. At the ...
Dan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to tackle weak glutes?

Your glutes will develop in proportion as you get bigger and stronger. You don't need to worry about isolating them. At 168cm and 60kg, with a 90kg squat, you still have a long way to go. Under the ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
2 votes

How to tackle weak glutes?

Heavy squats, lunges and Pistol Squats (with added weight). You don't need more. If you increase the added weight of those exercises from time to time and always perform them with perfect execution ...
stew.nesc's user avatar
2 votes

Toning jiggly loose muscle

It is very hard to answer your question without seeing you, or having your body composition values. However, a muscle cannot be toned, it can either grow or shrink (hypertrophy and atrophy). Also, ...
Michael C.'s user avatar
2 votes

Bio-mechanical analysis of squat: torque on the knee and on the hip

To be properly balanced (and not to fall backwards or forwards), shouldn't the two torques (referred to the midfoot) be equal and opposite? No. In order for a body to be balanced, the sum of all ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
1 vote

Pushups for SI joint stability

The sacroiliac joint is directly stabilised by some muscles for the outer rotation of the hip (the piriformis and some bundles of the glutes) and passively stabilised between the back muscles (...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
1 vote

NO MORE GYM - Suggested At-Home upper and lower-body workout to bulk?

Yes, it's possible to keep growing muscles with home workouts. But you also have to consider the effect of the environment. Is the home atmosphere enough to keep you motivated? Are you going to like ...
Laurel Fitness's user avatar
1 vote

How is the force transmission through the leg/thigh affected by the feet stance in Deadlift?

I don't know if the sumo stance has less ROM, but it's a different ROM because of the angles. For powerlifting the goal is maximum weight. Keeping the knees in line with the feet reduces knee joint ...
Dave Newton's user avatar
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1 vote

How can you strengthen lower back at home?

No doubt strengthening lower back can make your workout to the next-level. Following workout can be helpful in strengthening your back 1-Pelvic tilts 2-Laying lateral leg tilts 3-Cat stretches 4-...
Patrick89's user avatar
1 vote

Lower back rounding

Strengthening and building a muscle optimally requires the muscle to be stretched against resistance then contracted. Then why is it band to round the lower back,shouldn't it strengthen the spinal ...
Alec's user avatar
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1 vote

Gluteus Maximus Development Tips For Men

So your objective is to build muscle, in this case glutes. To build muscle you need to stress those muscles the proper way. In this case, the proper way would be adequate repetitions (8-12) and ...
FenryrMKIII's user avatar
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1 vote

Three weeks of sore legs - possible overtraining - how should I address this?

sounds like you are not unaccustomed to the exercise regime. I suppose you could try taking a break and seeing if there is an improvement. If you are still not seeing an improvement you might ...
james's user avatar
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