6 votes

Fitness trainer put me on a muscle building program even though I have a 38 inch waist line

muscle building program Training programs for building muscle are the same regardless of whether or not you are cutting. Cutting training may need to deal with recovery a bit more, but overall the ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Felt like passing out doing Bulgarian Split Squats

Your work capacity is lacking. Borrowing from my answer here: Cardio. It's a bit of a meme in powerlifting that powerlifters never do cardio. Don't fall into that trap. The energy demands of compound ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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3 votes

Is physiology of muscle growth a pseudoscience?

A study like those you describe (i.e., gathering statistics about some small population and doing statistical calculations on it) is by definition scientific because it is falsifiable. A reader can ...
AnoE's user avatar
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2 votes

Does cardio burn muscle?

Does cardio burn muscle? Not on its face. A calorie deficit will either slow down muscle growth or even reduce muscle depending on intensity and duration regardless of how it is achieved. Eating back ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Does cardio burn muscle?

Your body doesn’t really know or care how you got into a deficit when it comes to burning lean mass for energy. Keep resistance training, maintain a modest deficit, eat a decent amount of protein (at ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Quad focused workout routine non really satisfied about my progress. What could I change about it?

“2-3 months” is basically no time at all. In 8-12 week hypertrophy studies, outcomes are measured with MRI and ultrasound. I’m not surprised you haven’t seen any progress, a hyper responder to ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Does training a muscle make it tighter or constantly contracted in its resting state?

Yes, and here's why Hypertrophy does basically add myosin-actin connections by means of satellite cells fusing with existing muscle fibres and thereby adding the ability to build and sustain more ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
2 votes

Do I eat at maintenance or deficit to achieve my target physique?

Both strategies will probably work, but I would go with Israetel's strategy first because: Eating at maintenance calories will ensure you maintain your weight. A beginner at weight training will gain ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Circuit training with usual break times - a good idea?

This is not particularly uncommon. The major disadvantage is that where the exercises performed require equipment, that equipment must be monopolised for much longer than if the same exercises were ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
1 vote

What scientific studies compare electric muscle stimulation versus resistance training?

This meta-analysis claims that The findings indicate that training with NMES [Neuro-Muscular Electric Stimulation] results in virtually identical strength gains compared with conventional strength ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
1 vote

"Before failure" sets - a good idea?

The idea is that full-failure sets increase the recovery time required for the workout, and if you keep doing full-failure sets every workout then you will burn out sooner. So a full-failure workout ...
DeeV's user avatar
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"Do exercise X every day" - what about the recovery time?

The dose makes the poison. You’re on the right track with your thinking: there is some training dose threshold at which adequate recovery becomes impossible. As long as the dose is kept below this ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Why is a high number of sets more effective for muscle growth?

Volume is a key driver of hypertrophy. Schoenfeld and colleagues give away the plot in the title of their paper, “Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men”...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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Which would be more effective

If the only options are: stopping one set with 6 reps left in reserve, then doing a second heavier set to failure at a 6-8RM load, or Continuing the first left to failure, and then doing a second set ...
David Scarlett's user avatar

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