7 votes

Diet chart to gain 10-12kg weight

Let's break it down. Credit:myfitnesspal & reddit This is bad for a whole host of reasons: Micronutrients? One serving of salad and veg is not enough. You need to have more variety or get a ...
John's user avatar
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What kind of interesting exercises can I do to lose weight?

As mentioned in yisrael's answer and Aequitas' comment, you're gonna need to track your calorie intake. Combining a caloric deficit by diet with exercise is going to be a lot easier than just doing ...
G_H's user avatar
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What kind of interesting exercises can I do to lose weight?

In order to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit; meaning you expend more energy from the combination of your daily activity plus exercise than you eat. If you are not tracking both your ...
YisraelU's user avatar
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Best protein powders for vegan who wants to build muscle

I would recommend this article from Barbell Medicine, so you can decide for yourself while shopping for supplements. It is written by MD/coach/powerlifter and based on science and available data. ...
aaaaa says reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Diet chart to gain 10-12kg weight

Your diet is like 85% carbs. I mean yeah you can gain weight like that, but it's just fat and bloat. From your diet, I take it that you're indian. Indian cuisine(it's a big country, I know) is ...
cbll's user avatar
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What kind of interesting exercises can I do to lose weight?

I disagree with the Tom Gray's answer. Don't follow the meal plan. Everybody is different, and have different needs. You have to build a meal plan that can help you with your need. This meal plan can ...
Guildias's user avatar
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