Christian Conti-Vock's user avatar
Christian Conti-Vock's user avatar
Christian Conti-Vock's user avatar
Christian Conti-Vock
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
2 votes

is the squat a complete exercise for the legs?

4 votes

Is toes lifting from the ground during a squat considered bad form

2 votes

How many calories are burned doing Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or equivalent?

0 votes

Forcefully exhaling during heavy squats

6 votes

Abdominal role in squats

3 votes

What is the best stance for BB squats for me?

3 votes

How can I use kettlebell and dumbell training at home to minimize time in the gym?

1 vote

How do I progress in my squats?

2 votes

Can Deadlifts be used as a supplement to increase squats PR?

2 votes

Resistance training and avoiding chronic injury: are squat/deadlift/bench safe?

4 votes

Balance issues with the overhead press

3 votes

How to increase muscle mass while conserving toned body shape?

3 votes

Trying different protein powders for taste

3 votes

RunDisney: Inappropriate Corral Management

1 vote

How to train musculation during a fasting period?

0 votes

When to Stretch and Foam Roll

6 votes

Does over training exist?

5 votes

How is my new full body plan?

4 votes

A2G Squats: Is Ankle Flexibility the Right Concern?

4 votes

Strength training to prevent accidents

2 votes

Do curved treadmills help with proper running form?

2 votes

Developing fast twitch muscles with small weights

4 votes

Should an 18-year-old overweight woman take supplements?

2 votes

Relevance to increase kettlebell weight

1 vote

Is my torso short for my legs length?

0 votes

Ways to train calves with blocked ankle?

1 vote

Working Biceps and Triceps the next day after Chest and Back

1 vote

Diet plan review

0 votes

Pain after doing squats for a new exerciser

1 vote

Bulking with cardio?