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0xMert's user avatar
0xMert's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
11 votes

No gain after 4 months of continuous excercise

9 votes

What's the best way to begin cutting down to lower (and even single) body fat percentages for an active, healthy father with a standard work schedule?

5 votes

Testosterone levels. Fighters vs Bodybuilders

5 votes

How to avoid muscle loss when doing prolonged cardio (around 15 days in a row)?

5 votes

Cardio and weights in the same workout

5 votes

When doing abdominal crunches, should I place my arms across my chest or behind my head?

4 votes

Scientific evidence for physical, not psychological, somatotying

4 votes

Accessories for Squat day on Wendler 5/3/1

4 votes

How to prevent hands-slipping from a bar?

4 votes

How to shred max body fat although my physique is athletic

4 votes

Lower Chest Pushups?

4 votes

Weird weight loss pattern

4 votes

Impact of weekly collossal cheat days

4 votes

How to do exercises properly?

3 votes

How is hypertrophy (muscle-gain) provoked?

3 votes

What are the differences between a "Cutting Workout" and a "Bulking Workout"?

3 votes

Is whey protein safe?

3 votes

Ensuring Physical Health while sat idle most of the day

3 votes

Protein Shake VS. Tuna

3 votes

How does one strengthen the muscle that keeps the neck erect?

3 votes

Am I estimating my caloric intake correctly for a healthy diet plan?

3 votes

Is power yoga equivalent to strength training in Gym?

3 votes

Should seated leg press be avoided?

3 votes

Does supplimenting creatine cause belly fat to increace or stomach to bloat?

2 votes

6 Grams of Essential Amino Acids Post Workout on Keto Diet

2 votes

For decreasing body fat percentage, many low-weight reps or few high weight reps?

2 votes

scientific papers on muscle growth in (severely) undertrained males?

2 votes

High or low glycemic index between training?

2 votes

Is 30 minutes jogging enough for good amount of Sugar consumption?

2 votes

Competitions / tests for General Physical Preparedness?