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b-reddy's user avatar
b-reddy's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
10 votes

Does massaging the muscle help relieve delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?

7 votes

Do I lose all the benefits of earlier strength traning when I stop doing it for a while?

6 votes

Cheap Alternatives to Meal Prep

5 votes

I can't touch my butt with my heel

5 votes

Lower trapezius usefulness?

5 votes

"Triceps" dips completely alleviate shoulder pain?

5 votes

Why do distance running training programs tell you to do long runs so slowly?

5 votes

Squat form: hips and ankles

5 votes

Gratis Online Courses for PT certifications?

4 votes

Why does every calorie tracking app give a different target calorie count for the same goals?

4 votes

Flexibility loss timeframe

4 votes

Exercises for Abs (Chronic Neck Pain)

4 votes

Do I need to squeeze my back when I am doing overhead(military) shoulder press?

3 votes

What are the elements that make people run faster while racing?

3 votes

Can bone thickness be increase through exercise in adulthood?

3 votes

Why do elite cyclists seem to have higher VO2 max tham elite marathon runners?

3 votes

How to prevent "good morning" when squatting?

3 votes

What is the correct workout order? (I.e. warm-up, mobility work, lifts, stretches, cooling down)

3 votes

Best sports to preserve your joints later in life?

2 votes

Does the kind of sport you participate in in your early childhood define the type of physique you end up with?

2 votes

Yoga movements combinable with resistence training

2 votes

I have exactly one month and ten days to get in unbelievable shape

2 votes

How to calculate muscle and kg needed to obtain your body type you wanted

2 votes

Do obese and unfit people tend to be stronger than slender people who train?

2 votes

I have decent physical strength but do not look muscular. What do I need to change in my workout?

2 votes

When is the "220 - age" formula valid to check the HR max?

2 votes

Romanian Deadlifts vs. Back Extension

2 votes

Is it Feasible to go from a First Marathon to Half Marathon in 4 weeks?

2 votes

What's the most efficient way to walk and swim?

2 votes

How to overcome shyness at the gym and start seeing results?