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Daniel's user avatar
Daniel's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Chicago
25 votes

Recommended workout duration vs working out with a partner

24 votes

What is the opposite exercise of push ups?

20 votes

What is courtesy in a gym?

18 votes

My legs still ache 3-4 days after legs day

12 votes

Small woman and want to get bigger

11 votes

Why does cardio/aerobic exercise lead to muscle loss?

10 votes

how to correct forward neck posture?

8 votes

For the same number of repetitions, does it build more muscle to do fewer sets?

8 votes

Is it possible to recruit all the motor units available?

7 votes

Lack of confidence starting new routines at gym

7 votes

Hourly 30 second workouts for the workday?

7 votes

How to activate glutes on a pear?

7 votes

Can you overtrain?

7 votes

What is the exercise called that works your and inner thighs while on your back?

6 votes

Is once-per-week training enough for building muscle

6 votes

How do I fix an uneven butt?

6 votes

Do i really have to eat this much for building muscles?

5 votes

Why does thick saliva form in your mouth after heavy exercise?

5 votes

Am I exercising all my muscles?

5 votes

Why do deadlifts hurt my lower back

5 votes

How do I fix my Power Clean?

5 votes

Should I rest completely or just tone it down?

5 votes

Is this overtraining?

5 votes

Workout Frequency and Tempo for Bodybuilding?

4 votes

How to keep flexibility with weight training?

4 votes

Is it right that working out before 18-20 may stop growth

4 votes

Never skip leg day?

4 votes

Weight training without putting on fat

4 votes

Losing weight rapidly

4 votes

What is an effective and safe way to train shoulders out of the gym?