If that's what he said it's wrong; he's talking about subcutaneous fat (under the skin, around MUSCLES on your whole body not any specific trained muscle) versus visceral fat (which deposits around the organs in the abdominal area).
The body won't store fat around theon certain areas based on which muscles you're training. If you're training and eating in a caloric surplus you will gain lean mass and fat;fat (the amounts of each will vary based on numerous variables); muscles you train grow more, but fat is distributed around your body (depending on genetics,location dictated by genetics; some people might accumulate it around certain areas instead of others, but that is NOT determined by exercise).
You will appear more aesthetic due to having less belly fat and more muscle mass, making other parts of your body look bigger. So the key is to have less visceral fat, which you can achieve by exercising regularly and keeping low body fat levels (the more muscle mass you have, the higher this fat % can be).