To build a good running foundation, I come to know that I have to increase my weekly mileage (by avoiding injury). I found that I should do most (90%) of my run as easy.Earlier Earlier, I use to push myself in every session to give my best time.But But now, I started running with 7km/hour speed for 5km unlike earlier where I need to push my self every day to run with Average speed 11.5km/hour. My PB for 10k(56:43min used strava) and 5k outdoor(27:28 used strava) Gym(25:55min treadmill). IsWill my current easy speed will help me to build the good foundation?How How many daydays in a week should I can run?.Current Current weekly mileage is 30KM and I want to increase to 70KM by increase 10% each week?.