Over the past 3-4 months, I seem to have gradually caused myself an anterior pelvic tilt, and it's gradually causing stiffness and pain in my lower back. I wish to analyze possible causes and receive some tips on how to actively counteract it.
Workout routines
I follow a very basic 3-split (push, pull, legs) doing the compound exercises you'd expect;
Bench press, incline bench press, pullups, barbell rows, cable rows, squats, deadlifts.
And I of course supplement this with some isolation exercises. But in order to keep this question clean, I'll skip listing it unless any of you find it necessary.
My hypothesis
At my gym, every monday, wednesday and friday, one of the trainers who works there has a little 7 minute session where we do some ab-work, no pause. We do a variety of exercises such as various planks and crunches.
(I'm well aware of the drawbacks to crunches/situps, and I make sure to take proper precautions.)
But here's my theory: During these sessions, we often do "ab exercises" like knee raises, and static leg-raised holds. And I'm one of those people who don't get ANY ab-work done during this. It's all hip-flexors for me.
It seems to me that these exercises are causing my hip-flexors to stiffen up, and give me the anterior pelvic tilt.
Could this be the reason for my anterior pelvic tilt?
For the time being, I plan on skipping these ab sessions, and rely on my own ab work (deadlifts), while catching up on stretching.
Does this seem like the right plan? Any suggestions for more/other measures?