I'm starting a new job, and trying to craft my schedule, knowing that I have a few restrictions that I need to take into consideration.
- The most important restriction is that I cannot eat within 3-4 hours of going to sleep (medical reasons).
- I want to keep my eating restricted to a maximum of 11 hours window.
- I'm eating ketogenic, mostly because of how it makes me feel mentally, and because I can eat less volume of food that's more calorically dense (less important for the crux of the question, but worth mentioning).
- I want to get 8h of sleep.
I'm thinking of waking up at 7am, meditating 1h, eating breakfast, and the going to the office. Eating my last meal at 4:30 PM, and going to the gym at 6 PM.
At the gym I'm thinking of doing Rippetoe's Starting Strength. I've been doing crossfit for the last two years, but I'm ready to step up my strength training. After training I want to do a sauna session, and then go home, chill out, and go to bed at 11 PM. No eating after gym because I would get out of my 11h window, but must importantly, I would be eating to close to my bed time.
My question is: If I get all the calories I need, and the correct macros in my feeding schedule (between 8 AM - 4:30 PM), does it matter that I don't after training?