Twice now, I've had the phenomenom that after a running competition, my head has gone very heavy and woozy. Its kindof hard to describe, but it sortof feels like needlepricks in my forehead, along with bigtime sweating and a general woozyness.
It does get somewhat better when I'm in a well-ventilated area (like outside), but doesn't go away completely as it tends to come back when I get back to a hotter area.
The first time, it did go away after a while once I got to a cooler area, the second time it lasted until I got something to eat, and then went away almost instantly. What is also weird is that the second time, it only occurred 4-5 hours after the actual run (and I had already eaten and had ample liquids in that time).
I've had someone take my blood pressure and heartbeat when it occurred, but everything was normal on that account.
Could I be having some kind of deficiency, caused by the stress of a running competition? I was thinking something like salt deficiency or iron, although I doubt the last one.
Anyone encounter something similar after heavy exerction?