I need to start working out.
Since a teenager I've been slightly overweight (10-15lbs, nothing crazy) but quite active usually doing Wrestling, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, multiple times a week and always biking to work. For a few years I also did caloric restriction which got me trim and generally feeling awesome.
Over the last few years career, personal life, and other hobbies have overwhelmed me and I've dropped all my good habits and am now overweight by a good 25lbs. Now I'm about to turn 30 and I want health to be my next project.
I've heard lots of good things about the p90x system. Because of my background I'm not afraid of sweating and soreness and of course it would be nice to see quick results. I also know that a structureless workout would not work for me, every time I go to the gym I just drift between machines aimlessly.
I AM however concerned that launching into p90x might not be a good move as I'm not in shape and having to take a break every 10 minutes would be stupid, discouraging, and counter-productive.
Is there a system you would recommend for people like me who are not afraid of exertion but might not be in the physical shape where something like p90x is optimum? I'm not afraid of expending effort or even a little money, my biggest limitation is time-per-week.
Any other recommendations are welcome.