Yes. The order of exercises matters. The general order of exercises should be:
- general warm up first, always
- specific warm-up, leading up to the exact task of the workout
- skill/technique work (if that is part of this workout)
- speed work (if that is part of this workout)
- strength work (if that is part of this workout)
- endurance work (if that is part of this workout)
This optimizes learning, as well as the recovery and training effect of each kind of stress. (page 14, Tom Kurz, Science of Sports Training) One should also put technically complex lifts like the squat before simpler movements like the pull-up. The fast lifts (snatch, clean, jerk) qualify as skill work and should be performed even before form-dependent slow lifts like the squat.
The order of the exercises you perform should match the priority of those exercises. The ones that go first will get the most energy during the workout and, it seems, the most recovery resources in the days after. Put what's important, technically difficult, and heavy in the beginning.
For your purposes, I'd put the squats and overhead presses earlier in the workout, but otherwise the only reason to re-order them would be to prioritize one lift over another due to your preference.