I've been going to the gym around 3 - 5 times a week for 2 solid months now. I do a variety of weight training exercises and up to 20 minutes of running on a treadmill. I have a fairly balanced diet and consume a lot of protein through solid food and shakes.
After my first month of training, I decided to pay to use the electronic weighing machine at my gym. After analysing the print out from the machine I noticed that my BMI is above what it should be.
Today I used the electronic weighing machine again to see if my BMI had gone down. To my surprise, it had gone down by 0.1% - I wasn't sure if I should be happy about this or not as it's not really that much of a difference.
Results comparison:
I have suspisions that the machine is reading my height incorrectly, so I really don't know if I should trust this machine or not.
Should I really care about my BMI? I'm losing fat and gaining muscle (from what I understand from the results), so what's the deal breaker here as my BMI is still over :(