Should one push or pull the leg when performing a piriformis stretch?

I have seen both versions:

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2 Answers 2


The Piriformis is a bit different than most muscles. It changes from EXT RO to a INT RO when you Flex your Hip above 90 degrees.

There are quite a few ways to stretch this, and a ton of images on google that are backwards or just confusing. Stick to the basics.

enter image description here


According to https://sportsrehab.ucsf.edu/hip:

Note that https://sportsrehab.ucsf.edu/hip is only mentioning the seated piriformis stretch and not the supine piriformis stretch, but I am assuming it is stretching the same muscles (Is the seated piriformis stretch complementary or redundant with the supine piriformis stretch?).

  • Downvoter: please explain. I don't mind the downvote, but I would very much like to learn what information is incorrect for my own sake. Commented Apr 20, 2019 at 4:29
  • You said "if one pushes" in both bullet points
    – Christian
    Commented Apr 20, 2019 at 6:38

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