Squat: It seems like the weight is really light for you, you're bouncing around pretty fast. Your depth is great. Read up on butt wink, because you've definitely got that going on. I can see your toes dancing around a bit which is great because it means you're driving through your heels.
Bench: As Dave said, you're really light on that lift. I think a tighter position is better, at least when you're around 5RM. Keep your feet flat, but bring them closer to your head (if that makes sense). Keep your back tight, glutes tight, and really feel the contact between your upper back and the mat. Tight.
Row: Light. Everything's easy when it's light. I would get in the habit of loosening your grip at the bottom, as it makes you really come to a dead stop at the bottom. Better to take an extra second between reps and do them right then haul ass and bounce around.
Overhead press: Light. I think the pop-your-head-through movement is normal when it's lighter, but when it gets heavier most tend to sort of bend backwards a bit and nearly incline bench it up, your head going in right near the end.
Regardless of all that, and especially with the lighter weights, you want to hold the bar up at lock out for a second or two.
Deadlift: Light. Pretty hard to see from the back, it's mostly a side angle thing.