My current bodyweight is 65kg and I am doing StrongLifts 5x5 for past two months. I am stuck between 70-75kg squat. Until 65kg squat it didn't matter much how my form was. I know that, I used to neither engage my abdominals & obliques by holding breath nor used to keep my 'chest up' and keep my upper body tight. As a result, my squat used to look more like GoodMorning Squats. But I continued squatting with such terrible form till 75kg. But then I couldn't make any further progress.
Realising my mistakes (based on formcheck on reddit), I deloaded to 67.5kg and started incorporating 'chest up' & 'holding breath'. My form improved very much. But I was unable (I was trying my best) to maintain 'chest up' during last 2-3 reps of 3rd, 4th & 5th sets at 70kg. I tried on the next workout day but face same issue. I deloaded further to 65kg and started working my way up. I could hold it at 65kg & 67.5kg but at 70kg I faced same issue. I then started doing 70kg squats for first 2 sets and 65kg for last 3 sets but I am still facing the same problem during last 2 reps of 4th & 5th sets.
Question: However hard I try to keep 'chest up' my upperback is collapsing and rounding while moving up during last reps of last sets. What do I do? Should I do any supplementary exercises? Is this problem going to go away? Am I going to make progress further? Will I reach my dream of squatting double my bodyweight?
Also I'm starting to dislike squats. I actually want to love them but I'm getting that resistance in my brain.
EDIT: I'm quite happy with my progress in other exercises. DeadLift: 95kg, OHP: 33kg, BenchPress: 42.5kg, Barbell Row: 45kg.
I don't know if it is relevant but during deadlift, while pulling, my upper back is rounding but once I reach the top most position, everything is locked and I attain perfect 'chest up'
EDIT 2: Update after today's workout session incorporating suggestions given in the answers
I had a wonderful workout session today.I've deloaded my squats to 62.5kg, as suggested by StrongLifts App and for the first time ever, squats felt more like an Abdominal workout when I incorporated following suggestions in doing them:
- I didn't lean too much forward at the bottom of Ass-to-grass squat. Only Approx 30 degrees
- I didn't lift my elbows up behind as high as I could. I stopped where I felt was sufficient.
- After holding air inside my belly, I squeezed my abs to the maximal possible extent.
- When I was struggling to rise up, during that short span of struggle, I squeezed and pulled the bar into my body, as if I'm slicing my body with bar, and simultaneously, I pushed my chest towards chin with force (Honestly, all of this happened naturally). I felt this really helped in preventing upper back from rounding.
- Another cue, which happened by accident but really helped is, for around 15 sec before approaching the bar for a set, I stood with chest up and I stood for 5 sec in front of the bar with chest-up position and then started a set. I don't know, somehow it really helped me.
I felt burning in the abs after every set. I also did Over-head-squat at 30kg @ 3sets x 8reps, just after Squats. They were just forcing me to keep everything in order. I really loved them.
I'll update again when I reach the 75kg squat.