I've been having a few issues with my neck recently. I think I got a neck strain because it was painful also when resting and it's been lasting for two weeks now.
The process that got me here I think is this:
First day: shoulder day (mostly lateral raises and high pulls with a bit of external rotation to avoid shoulder impingment and a bit of rotator cuff extercises)
Second day: deadlift (here I think I just didn't realize how much effort the upper back is put through not to allow the shoulders to be pulled down by the bar. so, my bad)
Third day: side plank with poor warm-up. again, my bad
The evening of the third day the pain started during leisure activities. After a few days I went to my massage therapist and she found the sternocleidomastoid to be tight. She treated it and I did some pinching treatment to that muscle as well in the following days and that helped a bit.
Now I'm almost fine, will see an osteopath soon for an adjustment but I would like to know if you have any suggestions to prevent this kind of injury again. I mean beside allowing the upper back muscles to recover properly before side planking and warming up decently, is there any exercises you suggest to strenghten the right muscles and to try to prevent this from happening again?