Would running a 70s 400m then resting for 5 minutes and running again a 70s 400m,repeating this cycle until total exhaustion comprise an HIIT workout?
If not, Would this kind of workout have any beneficial impact on anaerobic fitness and aerobic fitness both? Any lean muscle building?
For reference, (A 400m in 70s is like 80% of my total effort,I can do it in 61s if I run a dead sprint)
I'm a pretty good sprinter. Rapid acceleration and hard stops are my forte.I play as a winger in soccer games.I'm not bad at endurance but not the best by a long shot.So I asked folks at my schools track team bout increasing endurance.They told me bout continuous training. Tho they say I'd have to cut some gym.I certainly don't want to lose my muscle since its one of the main cause of the rapid acceleration. So doing some research on google on HIIT and continuous training and stuff, I thought of this plan.
My objective was to better both my sprint time and endurance. Mid distance endurance. Like 2-3miles?I have no intention of running marathons. And so I cooked up this convoluted plan.I'm sorry for annoying you folks with this convoluted plan.Can you guys suggest some improvements?
I was a 400m sprinter for quite a few months at my school until a really bad sprain put me outta commission for a few weeks.I never ran for a few months after that.Exams and stuff.
I have been working out again for 31/2 months now. Joined the soccer team just a few weeks ago.
I ran 10 sets of 200m before the joining the team.
After joining the team,I have been running 3-5 miles continuously daily.But my time isn't good.
Someone told me that continuous running like this leads to loss of muscle and anaerobic fitness.Also,I'd like not to fare badly which I think I'd if I keep on training continuously like this.
So the thought on HIIT.