I'm currently trying to sort of redesign my whole home workout. I did make some improvements. For example, I discovered that pushups, even with resistance bands, are an inferior exercise when triceps are concerned. I did lying dumbbell tricep extensions, as Jeff Cavaliere suggested in one video, and my triceps were sore like hell for several days (I'm not sure I had ever experienced it). Now, I want to have functional, strong delts that don't reach fatigue as easily as they do now. I currently do butterfly raises (again, I saw it in one of Jeff's videos). It seems to be a good exercise, but rear delts are kind of overlooked. Besides, there's some isometric stress on my biceps which is something I can put up with but not great for the reason below. I watched Jeff's few videos on delts, but nothing seems to check all the boxes which are (apart from activation of all three heads):
only dumbbells or bands should be used;
the exercise should not hit any of the leg or ab muscles (I train them separately, they should rest on my arm days)
if possible, the exercise should not activate either triceps (e.g. through elbow extension), biceps, or forearms: I train them with specific exercises that I believe do the job in the best way possible (I do tricep extensions and alternating curls)
bonus points for activating some of the back muscles too: I no longer have a "back day" so anything that hits either lats, or traps, or rhomboids, or spinal erectors to boot would be great (I don't have a horizontal bar!)