There is an issue I always surpressed my mind of: the necessary carbohydrates per day.
One thing I learned a while ago is the importance of consuming at least 20 gram of protein per 3-4 hours in order to build muscle.
Consuming enough protein seems to be very easy to me, when I can't have a real meal I just take Whey Protein and I know I have enough protein in the body for the next 3-4 hours.
How much carbohydrates I need is what I am always guessing. My guessing is to get as much as carbohydrates as I can as long I don't feel like I ate too much. Each time I take Whey Protein, I drink a cup of milk with 5 spoons of oatmeal (just from the box without boiling it). Sometimes I also add some whole rice (4-5 spoons) and sometimes just a banana/yogurt.
In the evening, after a workout I take Whey Protein then I shower and 30 minutes later I consume 2 whole bread, eggs and cottage cheese.
Is it enough? Is consuming Whey Protein and Oat Meal mostly enough? What can I do better?
I'm 26 years old, my height is 1.83cm and my bodyweight is 90kg.