As discussed in the comments, if you want to lose weight, adjust your diet. I wont delve into this, but focus on diverse, protein rich meals. Try to bring the carbohydrates (wheat, sugar, rice, potatoes) down a bit, if possible.
Cardio exercises like running on a Treadmill or Elliptical are good for your endurance, but as they drain a lot of energy you might consider to move them to the end of your workout.
I would only do one of both on each given day, as the movement is quite similar and I doubt there is any benefit switching the machines compared to doing one exercise longer. If you have a stationary bike, it might be advantageous to switch, as the movement is different.
You weight-exercises look a bit unplanned to me, I think you are using machines here mostly, but some of the lifts look like you have a barbell or dumbbells available. I'd recommend you to look into free weights lifting programms such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts. They only use a small set of barbell exercises, but as those exercises are compound lifts you will engage your whole body doing these.
You don't even have to use the gym every day, only three days are enough to build muscle. If you work out too often you risk overtraining.
I know how compelling it is to work out every day, especially when you've just begun and can't wait to lose those pounds. But again, losing weight comes from the right diet, building muscles comes from exercising. And to build muscles you need to rest.
By the way: you complain about belly-fat and do crunches, note there is no such thing as spot reduction. Just saying this, because a lot of people who have belly-fat think the abdominal muscles and the abdominal fat are somewhat related.