I heard of different ways of how to handle weight increase (and decrease) when doing exercises for muscle training. I wondered which technique is the most efficient one when trying to train muscles.
For instance me and my buddy currently train after the following principle, any muscle group/exercise:
20 KG x 15 repeats to begin with
wait 60 seconds
25 KG (= next possibly higher weight) x 15 repeats
wait 60 seconds
30 KG (= next possibly higher weight) x 15 repeats
(where the weight of course varies among the different muscle groups and exercises)
It often happens that you cant complete the third one (i.e. second repeat) because your muscles get limb. If so, we try to make it next time, i.e. a few days later starting again at 20 KG. If you can make it, next time (a few days later) we try to start with 25 KG in the first place, and so on.
So much to what we do. I've seen also people training like this:
Start at a weight where you can barely make 15 repeats, let's say 60 KG. Wait 60 seconds. Lower the weight by minimum possible value (eg. 5 KG) and make as many repeats as possible with that weight, so 55 KG. As many as you can. Then, wait 60 seconds and start over. And repeat.
Are there significant differences in those methods? Which is better? And why?