I'm going to address only the supplements that contain caffeine.
It appears that the use of caffeine in sports is a controversial topic. However there appears to be some base conclusions that are beginning to appear (emphasis mine):
Caffeine does not appear to benefit short term, high intensity exercise
Caffeine can enhance performance in endurance sports.
Taken from http://www.rice.edu/~jenky/sports/caffeine.html
In Caffeine and Athletic Performance, the author concludes that its effects vary by sport:
It's been shown to improve endurance and time trial performance in cyclists, increase endurance in runners, and improve performance times and boost power in rowers. It’s also been shown to improve performance in cycling and running events lasting approximately 5 minutes, and to increase peak power output, speed, and isokinetic strength in sprint and power events lasting less than 10 seconds.
Specifically, caffeine has been shown to have no effect, and may even be a negative factor, in sprint and power events lasting anywhere from 15 seconds to 3 minutes.
A lot of people swear by caffeine saying that "improves" their workout. However I believe they merely enjoy the mental boost it gives them, aka more alert, rather than giving them a real, physical boost.
Special note about Caffeine and Creatine
I did come across an article that asserted that regular, high-doses of caffeine consumption interfere with creatine absorption!