I recently started doing Stronglifts. My bar weighs 40 lbs instead of 45, so here were my starting weights:
- Squat: 90 lbs (5RM was 205 earlier in the year)
- Bench: 90 lbs (5RM was 190 earlier in the year)
- Deadlift: 90 lbs
- Row: 60 lbs
- Overhead Press: 40 lbs
Everything has been easy except deadlifts. I had very small hints of pain even on the first 90-lb day. I got up to 130 lbs yesterday and my lower back started hurting a few hours later and continued through the day. I am only about 90% sure it is not "normal" muscle soreness... but 130 lbs should be easy, right?
I have reviewed a lot of material including the Stronglifts articles and the links in this answer. I'm sure my lower back is not rounding.
I already have an idea of what is wrong. I am going to test this next time I deadlift.
- My abs are not engaged. I suspect they should be contracted, like when squatting. But why does none of the deadlift material mention this?
- I might be over-arching my lower back. In fact, this seems to be tied to the abs: if you stand up and tilt your pelvis forward (so that your butt sticks out slightly), flexing your abs will bring your spine back to a more natural position.