I have heard often things like guys bragging about having super-high libidos and how that explained why they're jacked and huge. The idea is that super-high libido in men is probably correlated with higher than average testosterone. For example, things like having an orgasm, but being up and ready to do it again (doesn't get "worn down" by sexual activity). I don't know about women -- maybe it's the same, but this is aimed more at males. Does a high-libido mean more test/muscle building potential?
Or can a guy with low sex-drive be jacked, but a guy with a high-drive be a notorious hard-gainer?
Are they that tightly correlated? Sex drive and muscle? I ask because I have a higher sex drive than most men and I barely gain muscle with proper training, rest, diet, and exercise.
By 'high sex drive' I mean having sex and/or masturbating 3-5 times per day, every single day.