I've wondered a long time if eating cereals with chocalate, honey and sandwiches with sandwich filling like jam, peanut butter, chocalate, syrup, cheese, salami etc. would be bad or good or maybe just neutral.
So what are the consequences (both positive and negative) of just eating sandwiches for breakfast and lunch almost all the time?
Note: I'm a student and it's very hard for me to study and work at the same time to pay for the food. I recently hired a personal trainer and made him draft a diet. I soon realized it would cost me around €250,00 (appr. $289.5) per month which is something I can't keep up with.
Bonus question : So what tips do you have for me to get the nutrients I need?
I follow a power (strength) training as it is called in my language. [Monday and Friday] Chest: Benchpress (close and wide grip both 4 sets of 10 reps), Dumbbell Flyes (15 reps), Superset that consists of Cable crossover (slightly below shoulder line), Push-ups and then Low cable front raises (all 15 reps). They are performed directly after eachoter. Then Prone 45° Incline reverse-grip Barbell front raises (12 reps) last but not least Prone 45° barbell spider curls (8 reps). (Tuesday and Saturday) Back: Seatle Cable row (5 sets of 10 reps), Bent Over Barbell Row ( 6 sets of 14, 10, 7, 7, 10, 14 reps (20, 25 and 30 kg) ),Assisted Pull-up, Lat Pull down, Superset (Dumbell Row and Cable one arm lateral raise), Triceps revers grip pushdown, Lying barbell Triceps Extension. (Wednesday) Leg day: Leg extension Machine, Single leg press, Barbell Squat, leg press, seated leg curl, lying hamstring curl. Abbs I try to do as much as I can .
- I do however take protein shakes (True Mass BSN; 35 grams before the training and 40 grams after within a 30 minute-time interval). But I'm planning to stop doing that.
- My sandwiche is just one slice of bread fold in half. It's not like this but more like this. One slice of bread weighs 34 grams. I often eat the brown ones.