There are lots of products in the market which targets individuals who want to be more aware/in control of their training. The most common and classic of such instruments are pulse sensors, either as watches or devices that are strapped on the chest (while running for instance). I stumbled upon two new devices which I think will take the concept one step further; Jawbone UP and Nike Fuel Band. Since I have no intentions of advertise for any product I'll leave it to the interested reader to get more information about them.
What I am wondering is what variables are used in these kind of products? Or rather what constitutes as a good measure of training effectivity/intensity?
The pulse and blood pressure are the obvious answers, and the majority of the newer stuff use 3D accelerometers for motion sensing. There are concerns about the accuracy of these sensors in training, however, due to the localization issue (i.e. if the device is on your arm, all training not involving your arm goes more or less unregistered)
I have heard about the "blood oxygenation" (dunno even know if it's a proper word) to be an interesting/important parameter, but it's supposedly not yet possible to measure it with non-invasive equipment. Can anyone confirm or deny this?