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I have to say, that even though I have lost only 2KG2Kg the last month, I am feeling lighter on my feet. Apart from trying to find out if I am wasting my time with my exercise routine

Apart from trying to find out if I am wasting my time with my exercise routine, I also want to find out if I am being overly ambitious by hoping for a visible six pack (doesn't have to be toned) when I finally reach my desired weight. This is taking into consideration that the six pack was not visible at the desired weight, but I also want to find out ifwas not excising during that period as well, so I am being overly ambitious by hoping for a visible six pack (doesn't have to be toned) whenthat now that I finally reacham excersing, the excersising will not only net me my desired weight but also the added bonus of the visible abs.

I have to say, that even though I have lost only 2KG the last month, I am feeling lighter on my feet. Apart from trying to find out if I am wasting my time with my exercise routine, I also want to find out if I am being overly ambitious by hoping for a visible six pack (doesn't have to be toned) when I finally reach my desired weight.

I have to say, that even though I have lost only 2Kg the last month, I am feeling lighter on my feet.

Apart from trying to find out if I am wasting my time with my exercise routine, I also want to find out if I am being overly ambitious by hoping for a visible six pack (doesn't have to be toned) when I finally reach my desired weight. This is taking into consideration that the six pack was not visible at the desired weight, but I also was not excising during that period as well, so I am hoping that now that I am excersing, the excersising will not only net me my desired weight but also the added bonus of the visible abs.

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Low intensity excercise (6 month goal)

I do feel I can commit to my current low intensity workout for a prolonged period if not the rest of my life (my body willing). My previous attempts were to inconsistent, but only because I was doing more than my body could take at the time. To be honest, my current routine is quite "easy" for me compared to what I was trying to do back then. I have been doing the routine for the last 4 weeks (13 exercise days and 1 off day every 14 days). I am surprisingly pleased that I am not demotivated and can actually overcome the low bar I set for my self.

I don't really have any short term goals except maybe losing 10Kg or so over the next 6 months. Currently, I weigh 99Kg (My actual motivation to start working out was me tipping the scale at 101kg around a month ago). The optimum weight I would like to reach and maintain is anywhere between 85Kg and 90Kg which is where I was for years before letting myself go during the Covid lockdown.

I have changed my diet and am currently off poultry and beef. I have only been eating fish and of course veggies and the other so called healthy stuff. As I am lactose intolerant, my protein supplement is pure Rice protein which is around 80% protein.

I have to say, that even though I have lost only 2KG the last month, I am feeling lighter on my feet. Apart from trying to find out if I am wasting my time with my exercise routine, I also want to find out if I am being overly ambitious by hoping for a visible six pack (doesn't have to be toned) when I finally reach my desired weight.

My current routine is:

Sunday      Chris Heria's 7minute morning routine (10 minutes - 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds)
Monday      Weights, Pushups, Situps (10 minutes - 1 Set per minute)
Tuesday     TRX suspension exercises (10 minutes - 1 Set per minute)
Wednesday   Stationary Bike (20 minutes = around 5Km)
Thursday    Chris Heria's 7minute morning routine (10 minutes - 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds)
Friday      Weights, Pushups, Situps (10 minutes - 1 Set per minute)
Saturday    TRX suspension exercises (10 minutes - 1 Set per minute)
Sunday      Stationary Bike (20 minutes = around 5Km)
Monday      Chris Heria's 7minute morning routine (10 minutes - 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds)
Tuesday     Weights, Pushups, Situps (10 minutes - 1 Set per minute)
Wednesday   TRX suspension exercises (10 minutes - 1 Set per minute)
Thursday    Stationary Bike (20 minutes = around 5Km)
Friday      Chris Heria's 7minute morning routine (10 minutes - 30 seconds instead of 45 seconds)
Saturday    Rest