I'd like to do a one-arm pushup. I'm aware of the guide on Beastskills, but it fails to get into much specifics on how to actually progress to it (for the record, I'm trying to do what is referred in that guide as the "arm in" method - ie. normal pushup form, one arm, not contorting myself somehow to shift my center of mass).
Currently, when I try it, I cannot even lower myself: I manage a few centimeters and then just drop. I guess I can't handle the tension? No method of stiffening my body, visualization or anything else helped me get past that point, so I guess it's a problem of strength (my endurance is fine, I can crank out 50 pushups easily enough). What's a good exercise to work toward a one armed pushup? I don't have any weights available but I do have a pull up bar.