I am 24 years old and a beginner when it comes to fitness in general. I recently started doing calisthenics regularly. I do 3 workouts per week. One workout consists of a push, pull, core and leg exercise. Namely I do push ups, inverted rows, lying leg raises and deep squats; 4 sets of each.
This question is in regard of my push up volume. I can do about 6-7 push ups maximally (I am a tad overweight at 98kg, and a beginner when it comes to strength training, that's why the number is so low). I do 4 sets of push ups to failure. I was wondering: Is this volume enough to trigger decent adaptations in hypertrophy and pushing strength?
The reason that I am asking is that doing 6-7 pushups simply doesn't feel very taxing. With squats for example I do 25-30 per set and after each set I feel quite exhausted. I also feel my quads starting to burn after about 20 reps. With the leg raises I do about 12 reps per set, and I can feel my abs burn towards the end of the exercise. Doing 6 push ups just feels "pleasant" in comparison, even though I do reach failure.
I think it is a generally accepted fact that working in the 6-35 rep range does stimulate hypertrophy equally as long as sets are taken close to failure. I also think most people would agree that 9-12 sets per muscle group per week is enough for a beginner to stimulate hypertrophy sufficiently. So viewed under this light my volume should be good enough, right? I just really am unsure because unlike the other exercises it doesn't feel like I am "going hard" even though I do reps until I can't push my own weight up anymore.
Any further insights on this would be much appreciated!