It started happening a while ago and has been getting worse. I usually workout from 6-7 in the evening (unfortunately can't workout any time before that due to my schedule) and go to bed around 10:30 (3-3:30 hour rest period). My body is very tired but I can't fall asleep. It's a weird feeling, I start to become unconscious but immediately after that I wake up and my body is on full alert (my pulse rate goes up too). This happens several times and could last from minutes to a few hours. But once I do fall asleep, it stays uninterrupted and I don't wake up until the morning after.
I thought the reason could be my high pulse rate, so I went to the cardiologist and they ran several tests including an electrocardiogram as well as ecocardiogram. They were both normal and the doctor said it's probably not the heart.
I've been working out for a while now (mostly weight lifting, rarely any cardio), but it recently started happening as I tried to increase the intensity of my workout. I should probably mention that if I don't workout for a few days, my sleep routine goes back to normal and I don't have any troubles at all falling asleep.
I saw many different articles regarding exercise-induced insomnia but not really sure what else to do at this point. Could it be that maybe my body is low on some particular nutrients? Has anybody else experienced this? It's starting to become an issue for me since it's impacting my school and work life. Any help is appreciated.