Your lack of progress is most likely a combination of two things:
- You don't eat enough for a calorie surplus.
To gain muscle you need to feed your body with more calories than you are burning, and enough of that needs to be protein-based. I'd suggest either 40/30/30 split between carbs, protein and fat, or if you want a lower fat diet then try 40/40/20 (remember not all fats are bad though).
- Your workout intensity is too low.
There are many things that affect workout quality, but it basically comes down to how much load are you putting on your muscles and for how long. I read somewhere that for muscle growth, the TUT (time under tension) for the muscle needs to be at least 30 seconds per set to really see a benefit.
For example, if you are doing a bench press, each rep should be controlled to take about 2 seconds to lower the weight, and 1-2 seconds to push it up again. This gives you 3-4 seconds TUT per rep. If you do 10 reps per set, that's 30-40 seconds total which is good. If you are rushing your reps and only doing 1 second down and 1 up, the TUT is 20 seconds which isn't enough to stimulate decent muscle growth. If you want to do sets of 8 reps, do each rep slower (e.g. 3 seconds down, 2 up) which gives 5 seconds TUT per rep so still 40 seconds total.
Likewise, the weight itself needs to be sufficient to cause the right neurological signals to stimulate growth. Even if you follow the above TUT guide, if the weight is trivial, your brain will see that you are strong enough to do the exercise without needing more muscle. A basic guide would be to do 3 sets of 12 reps on each exercise, either with the same weight each set, or a pyramid where you increase the weight each set. Either way, the last few reps should be a struggle even to the point where maybe you can't finish all 12 reps on the last set. If you are finishing all 3 sets and feeling you could do more, then the weight is too light.
I'm an ectomorph as well, and I would say diet is probably the bigger factor here. To gain mass and weight, I had to switch to 6 meals a day and force myself to eat even when I wasn't hungry. Doing this for a year, I managed to get my weight from ~79kg up to nearly 90kg of mostly lean muscle mass.