For a post-workout meal time, don't buy into an arbitrary number of minutes or hours. Everybody is different. There isn't one schedule that works for all human bodies.
In my case, if I'm doing cardio, legs or abs, I normally start my workout at least 2 hours after eating. Sometimes I just go in before breakfast. I prefer an empty stomach for these sorts of exercises.
After the workout I just let my body guide me in terms of nutrition. Sometimes I feel a strong urge to eat right after, sometimes during, sometimes not for a few hours.
If I'm doing arms, shoulders, back or chest, I could have a meal right before a workout. This way I'm assured not to run out of energy for hours. Plus, I don't need to eat for hours after the workout.
This works well for me. May not work for you or others. Bottom line is listen to your body and don't worry too much about absolute claims (especially from people trying to sell you something).
When I was younger, I bought into the relentless and ubiquitous claim that I should drink 8 glasses of water a day. I tried my best to follow this advice. It was not a fun experience. I felt like I was forcing myself to drink water, was peeing all day, and couldn't help thinking I was flushing important nutrients out of my body. Well, turns out the claim was a load of crap: