I am 18 years old, 174 cm tall, 60 kg weight male.
I am very skinny, and haven't trained for ages. Last few years I've been living very unhealthy way of life - spending way too much time in front of books and laptop. Now I want to change this, before it's too late. I have a strong will to start training, eat healthy food, strengthen my immune system, gain some muscles and in the end, look good.
So I'm not trying to achieve anything overnight because I know it's not possible. I just want to make sure that I do things RIGHT.
As I said I am new to all of this so I hope that someone will be so nice to explain in details how should I start training, what exercises (and how often) should I do, how to eat healthy and get in shape.
EDIT: Ok let me try to be more specific. I don't want to grow huge muscles in short period of time and look like Hulk. That's not my goal at all. I want to strengthen my body in natural way and just like you said - look muscular (no exaggeration). I also want to be fit and athletic in the sense that I can run long and fast. Let's say that those are my main goals.
If anyone can make suggestion on a book, or some web-tutorial, or training programme for my situation I would be really grateful.
Thank you in advance!