- Is the following routine suitable for my goals?
- Is the routine balanced and efficient? (eg. Am I doing too much of a specific exercise)
I am:
- 25, Male, 78kg, 5ft5.
- Graduated off 5x5 SL with following 1RM:
- Deadlift: 135kg (Limited by grip strength, i'm getting chalk!)
- Squat: 120kg
- Bench: 62.5kg
- OHP: 45kg
- Pendlay Row: 72.5kg
- I have a good level of fitness (Can get a good pass on a British Army Fitness test),
- As you can work out, I have a triangle body shape; lots of strength in my lower body, weaker chest.
- I get popping/grating shoulder when doing dumbbell presses so I don't do them!
My goals:
In order of preference:
- Aesthetics: I'm doing this to look good. I am pairing my exercise with a 10-15% calorie deficit to reduce my BF% from mid twenties to high teens.
- Balance: I want to achieve what I deem to be a balanced body. My squats and deadlifts are good for that of my goal bodyweight but my upper body is lagging.
- Improve my main lifts (Deadlift, Squat, Bench).
I put this together from a range of different PPL routines. Its a 6 day rotation, either PPL[rest]PPL or PPLPPL[rest]. I lowered individual set volume on the big lifts to continue progression to higher weights. I do accessory AB work at home with planks and ab-wheels on a daily basis.
Warm-up: (WW = working weight)
I only usually bother with this for the first lift of a muscle group. I don't do a full re-warm up when going from squats to deadlifts.
- Empty bar x10
- 50% WW x10
- 75% WW x5
- 90% WW x3
Main Routine (Sets x Reps):
Pull 1
- Deadlift 3x5 + 1xAMRAP (as many reps as possible)
- Pullups 3x10
- Cable Seated Row 3x12
- DB Bicep Curl 3x12
- Cable rope face pull 3x10
- Hammer Curls 3x12
- Cable Crunch 3x10
Push 1
- Barbell Bench 3x5 + 1xAMRAP
- OHP 4x5
- Incline Bench 4x5
- Dip 3x10
- Lateral Raise 3x10
- Tricep Pushdown 3x12
Legs 1
- Squat 3x5 + 1xAMRAP
- Leg Press 3x12
- Leg Extension 3x12
- Calf Raises 5x15
- Wood Chops 3x12
Pull 2
- Pendlay Row 3x5 + 1xAMRAP (as many reps as possible)
- Pullups 3x10
- BD Bicep Curl 3x10
- Lat Pulldown 3x12
- EZ Curls 3x10
- Cable Crunch 3x10
Push 2
- OHP 3x5 + 1xAMRAP
- Bench 4x5
- Dip 3x10
- BD Fly 3x10
- Lateral Raise 3x10
- Tricep Pushdown 3x12
Legs 2
- Squat 3x5 + 1xAMRAP
- Leg Press 3x12
- Leg Curl 3x12
- Calf Raises 5x15
- Wood Chops 3x12