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Is there a difference between pec flies on seated pec fly/rear delt fly machines and cable flies?

More specifically do they both target the same muscles, and even more specifically do they both equally target the serratus anterior?
Frank's user avatar
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I have atrophied pectorals. How should I train them ? Pictures

Before I show you my photos taken from different angles, I want to explain how I train. Biological informations AND Diseases I'm a 22.5yo male, 1.70m (67 inches), I think I'm between [20 ; 25]% BF. I ...
JarsOfJam-Scheduler's user avatar
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Why do so many guys deny their lower body? [closed]

So I have noticed a considerable amount of guys in my gym will not do any leg work(as much as 50% on some days).... All they do is bench and do bicep curls... Why don't a lot of guys wanna do leg work?...
YourFriend's user avatar
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3 answers

Chest exercises make my triceps burn

I know that with most chest exercises, the triceps are greatly involved. My concern is that by the time my triceps burns, I barely feel anything in my chest. My coach has suggested I put more ...
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