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Questions tagged [sprinting]

Sprints are short running events in athletics and track and field. Races over short distances at maximum speeds are among the oldest running competitions.

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18 votes
5 answers

Why does cardio/aerobic exercise lead to muscle loss?

Recently, I've been reading a lot about how cardio reduces muscle mass and strength. The following is an excerpt from that seems to sum up what I've been reading: Aerobic training ...
ehmhunt's user avatar
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9 answers

Why do sprinters have muscular arms?

I would like to know why all Olympic sprinters have muscular arms. They probably have muscular arms to help them sprint, but the reason is unclear. These are the two paradoxes I cannot fathom: Heavy ...
JoJo's user avatar
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Why include sprint workouts in a training program focused on long distance?

I never did a set of sprints for a running routine/workout until this week. The workout didn't kick my butt as much as the recovery which is still going on, so I'm really looking for reasons to keep ...
Jason's user avatar
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3 answers

Time yourself at 100m sprint?

I'd like to time myself at 100m sprint, does anyone know of a bit of kit or app that does this? I'm not a member of a running club, I'd just be curious as to what my time would be. I know that there ...
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