I started practicing medieval full contact, which means I have to fight for several minutes in a 30kg++ steel armour. For me to be physically fit for this sport, I decided (among other things) to start running with a backpack (aka rucking).
I have a good military backpack that doesn't bounce, stays in a good high position on my back and provides good support. I just started with a 10% (of my weight) load and my objective is to reach 20% in 6 months or so, depending on how I evolve.
However, I wish to know if running with weights on my back will be bad for my spine, shoulders, legs, etc.. I don't want to risk my health because of this, so would like to know your opinion. Thanks.
My objective is not running with the usual stuff I carry everyday, like other questions (Running with a backpack). I wish to know if I can start running with a certain weight in a backpack, and start adding more and more weight in a controlled manner, while not risking my health.
For weights I started using small bricks and water, I will then evolve to beans and later probably sand.