I just read about a training program used by US Army Rangers: https://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-routines/full-spectrum-strong-army-ranger-workout-army
This program seems attractive since it consist of three parts: strength, hypertrophy and stability whereas many other, eg. PHAT: http://www.directlyfitness.com/store/p-h-a-t-training-layne-nortons-workout-system/ only includes the first two.
However there is one thing I do not understand: each part is trained for 1 full week. I think of stabilizing exercises as involving other (core) and smaller muscles than the ordinary exercises. This would mean that these muscles would only be trained every 3rd week. How can these muscles become stronger with so seldom training?
Would it not be better to train like this ?:
Week 1
1 day stability, 2 day strength
Week 2
1 day hypertrophy, 2 day stability
Week 3
1 day strength, 2 day hypertrophy