I am a 5'6" tall 31M. I weigh approximately 165 lbs. My waist size is 38 inches. According to the Evolt app, my lean muscle mass is 115 lbs and my fat mass is 50 lbs. So appearance wise, I have skinny arms and legs but I carry a considerable amount of fat on my torso. My goal is to acquire a beach body. More specifically, I would like to stay 165 lbs and increase my muscle mass and decrease my fat mass. However, I am confused about whether I should eat at maintenance or if I should have a caloric deficit for achieving my body goal.
I watched Dr. Mike Israetel's video and he says skinny fat (I think I qualify as a skinny fat person) people should begin their fitness journey by eating at maintenance and exercising 3-4 times a week.
Another popular fitness influencer, Jeremy Ethier says skinny fat people with over 15% body fat are better off cutting and with such a high body fat percentage, such people are likely to gain a little muscle along with losing fat.
I do not know whose advice to follow given my current situation. Please advise.